
What Organization Raises The Most Money For Pediatric Cancer

Featured Article, Wellness and Prophylactic


Piddling Girl with Teddy Behave in Infirmary Bed

At that place are some aspects of life that we'll never fully encompass, and children getting cancer is main among them. Cancer is a debilitating, heart-wrenching disease—even for adults. Only when it attacks the immature and near vulnerable among us, the impact is especially devastating.

Fortunately, in that location are charities and philanthropic organizations, as well as government programs and agencies, that are committed to leveraging funds to fight the ugly truths of cancer caput-on. Not and then fortunate, however—at least for parents of young cancer victims and those specifically interested in fighting babyhood cancers—is how niggling funding is actually allocated for pediatric cancer.

These facts, taken from The Truth 365, a grassroots documentary and social media campaign committed to raising awareness and money for pediatric cancer are particularly sobering:

The average cost of a stay in a infirmary for a child with cancer is $twoscore,000 per stay.

On boilerplate, pediatric hospitalizations for cancer cost almost v times as much every bit hospitalizations for other pediatric conditions.

For 2014, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) budget [was] $4.9 billion. Information technology [was] anticipated that childhood cancer [would] receive 4% of that sum or $195 million.

Prostate cancer (patient average age at diagnosis, 66 years), receives more research funding from NCI than all childhood cancers (patient average age at diagnosis, 6 years).

The practiced news is that the fight against pediatric cancer is not over, and everyday people withal take an incredible opportunity to make a difference. I of the best ways to do and so is past supporting charities that expressly fund pediatric cancer research and support. Hither are six that are deserve your money at present.


Walk-a-thons are so 20 years agone, which is why THON, the world's largest educatee run philanthropic organization, hosts an annual trip the light fantastic marathon to heighten money for research, awareness and assistance related to pediatric cancer. Last yr, THON raised $13 million, and considering the organisation is led completely by pupil volunteers, 96% of those funds went directly to 4 Diamonds at Penn State Hershey Children's Hospital, THON's sole beneficiary.

According to THON's website, "Four Diamonds picks up
where insurance leaves off, enabling families to solely focus on care for their child.
Assistance from 4 Diamonds ensures counselors, social workers, music
therapists and other specialists are available to provide comprehensive
care in a family-focused atmosphere. Cheers to THON, Iv Diamonds and the
Penn State Hershey Medical Center recruits earth-class talent to continue
innovative enquiry benefiting children worldwide."

Children's Oncology Services

We know that, medically speaking, cancer has a tremendous touch on on the concrete lives of children. What we often forget, still, is the emotional and psychological toll the disease takes. "While doctors focus on treating the illness, Children's Oncology Services,
Inc., exists to gainsay the devastating side effects of a pediatric cancer
diagnosis that are often left untreated, including fearfulness, isolation, low and
the loss of independence," says Jeff Infusino, the organization's president.

This is achieved through a serial of One Step Programs like overnight camps, ski getaways in the Utah mountains, and educational excursions to Washington DC. All are designed to help cancer patients focus on life every bit a survivor—not as a victim. "Our programs offering fun, friendship and back up in a safe and nurturing environs," Infusino adds. "We exist to heal scars that no ane can see, and through community, support and shared experiences with peers, we deliver happy, pain complimentary medicine called 'camp.'"

CURE Babyhood Cancer

If you're looking for a clemency with lean operations and a dedicated focus on mission-related spending, CURE Babyhood Cancer is your solution. Executive director Kristin Connor is a mother of a babyhood cancer survivor, and she is committed to running the organization in the most responsible mode possible to take the greatest impact possible.

With an annual $four.7 meg
dollar budget, CURE allocates the post-obit: 48% to research, 39% to
patient and family services (including emergency financial assist; transportation assistance; meals delivered to hospitalized children and their families; and survivorship and bereavement back up), eight% assistants and five% to fundraising
costs. Additionally, for 2015-2016, CURE announced $2.5 million in pediatric grants and
fellowships, funding 19 dissimilar initiatives at 6 superlative pediatric cancer
centers. Charity Navigator, America'southward premier evaluator for audio fiscal nonprofit
management, has awarded CURE Childhood Cancer a perfect 4-star rating
twelvemonth over year.

Family Attain Foundation

There'south no style around information technology—a cancer diagnosis can financially devastate a family almost immediately. And while insurance often covers at to the lowest degree a portion of medical expenses, it is the other, 24-hour interval-to-solar day family needs that are often left unaddressed. Enter the Family Accomplish Foundation, which partners with hospitals beyond the state to step in and directly pay a family's utility bills, groceries, car payments, mortgage and other expenses.

"When a family receives a cancer diagnosis, they're assigned a social worker to guide them through the emotional and financial burdens throughout their handling journey," says Carla Tardiff, Family unit Achieve'southward executive director. "Social workers alert us to families facing serious financial devastation. So, Family Accomplish pays the bills direct—so parents can keep their focus on their children and non accept to worry almost taking time away from them."

Childhood Cancer Guides

When most families larn that their child has cancer, they are completely clueless regarding most of the details of the diagnosis, treatment and (hopeful) survival. And in many cases, they are handed a volume published past Childhood Cancer Guides that will literally help guide them on their journey. Examples of guides include Childhood
Leukemia, fourth ed.; Childhood Cancer Survivors, third ed.; Childhood Encephalon &
Spinal String Tumors, 2nd ed.; Childhood Cancer, 2nd ed.; and Your Kid in the
Hospital, third ed.

"Every penny donated to our organization or
obtained through sales of books goes to updating, publishing and
distributing new editions," says Babyhood Cancer Guides co-founder Nancy Keene. "We accept one role-time employee (in lean years,
she volunteers) and hundreds of volunteers. More than than 450 parents, kids
with cancer and their siblings donate stories for our books, and more than
170 renowned professionals review our books to ensure accurateness."


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